Resource assignments in Project for the web allow project managers to assign resources, such as people, equipment, and materials, to specific tasks in the project plan. This helps to ensure that resources are allocated efficiently and that tasks are completed on time and on budget. By assigning resources to specific tasks, you can also track resource usage and adjust resource allocation as needed.
To create a resource assignment in Project for the web, you start by adding resources to your tasks for a duration. This can be done in the Grid, Board, or Timeline view.
Once resources have been added to the tasks, the resource allocation can be changed by using the new Assignments view, accessible under the ellipses:
By default, the Assignments grid will be grouped by Resource name and display on a day-by-day basis:
Resource assignments can then be adjusted individually to represent the correct effort profile:
These views can be changed if you work on a higher level of granularity, and you want to schedule in weekly buckets:
Or if you want to group your assignments by task, to schedule your resources at the same time:
With a little bit of transformation in Power BI, the new information can also be reported on:
An excellent new feature from Microsoft that will allow you to plan your projects with better control and accuracy.
Lester brings over 17 years’ consultancy experience in Project, Programme and Portfolio Management (P3M) and organisational change. He has a proven track record of delivering significant, complex change with appropriate visibility and building change through P3M skills and capabilities – bridging the gap between business and technology.