Improve your Organisation’s Agility through Project Reporting Automation - Corporate Project Solutions

Improve your Organisation’s Agility through Project Reporting Automation

Date Published 21/07/2022
Author Christopher Pond
Category Solutions

Hint: it will also improve employee experience – and what’s not to like about that!

There are many reasons why customers speak to CPS about how we can help them improve their ways of working.

In 2022, organisations are still using Excel as a way to manage their projects. While this may reduce costs from a licensing perspective, it massively increases costs in terms of time and variability of reporting across their project portfolio. Reporting can be time-consuming, laborious and repetitive. And it's not a great employee experience.

Project for the web is a tool designed to help organisations and individuals manage their project schedules. These individuals are often provided tooling without the required level of training or ongoing support. People occasionally say that Microsoft Project – the desktop tool - is complicated.

I would say that many people require training in Word, Excel and PowerPoint. Let alone tools such as Project desktop.

Microsoft started to develop Project for the web several years ago, and the product has steadily increased in capability over the years.

Project for the web lowers the barrier to entry for users. It's simpler to use than Excel while providing capabilities aligned to managing your project schedule efficiently. And by having all your projects in one location, you can report across them using Power BI.

It's not only about project schedule data; it's about all of the other data around your projects, including risks and issues and changes. All of these items can be rolled up, summarised, and reported through the Project Power App that is available as part of Project for the web.

This is where Microsoft's Power Platform – BTW: Project for the web is built on the Power Platform - really shines, as it provides you with a central repository of project-related data and the ability to produce dashboards and reports in Power BI.

The approach enables organisations and individuals to save time in data capture, allowing reporting when needed while simplifying the process, making everything simpler and more repeatable.

For example, suppose each individual could save one hour per week. In that case, you typically save around 40 hours per year per person, which equates to about a week of effort, where individuals could be more productive and do work that has meaning rather than repetitive actions, which are nowadays unnecessary.

Join the organisations that are ditching Excel and moving to a better way of managing and reporting across the project portfolio.

During my on-demand webinar, I show you how you bring together Project for the web, Power Apps, and Power BI, and I demonstrate how you can implement something similar in your organisation.

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Find out how Project for the web and Power BI can enable you to deliver projects, balancing time, costs, quality and risks.

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Christopher Pond
Christopher Pond
Commercial Director

Christopher has close to over 25 years of experience in Project Portfolio Management. His experience ranges from advisory services to deployment and training. He now focuses on delivering CPS' objectives to help customers of all sizes innovate and transform their business.

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