Pauline Quirke Academy of Performing Arts (PQA) operates a successful franchise model offering performing arts sessions throughout the year. With over 15,000 members (4 –18yrs) attending weekly, the organisation faced challenges in managing its operations using outdated systems such as Microsoft Access Databases, Excel reporting, and paper-based processes. To streamline operations and enhance efficiency, PQA embarked on a comprehensive digital transformation programme.
Crafting the Digital Pathway
To address these challenges, PQA partnered with CPS to develop and implement a digital-first system. This new system brought significant improvements to the organisation’s operations by centralising core functions and automating various processes. One major benefit was the enhanced efficiency in compliance, safeguarding, IT administration, and finance management. By centralising these functions, HQ staff could manage operations more effectively and with greater accuracy, reducing the risk of errors and delays.
The integration with SmartDebit transformed the financial processes by automating the creation of direct debits for PQA members. This automation significantly reduced the administrative burden on staff, minimised errors, and ensured timely and accurate financial transactions. This improvement in financial management was crucial for maintaining smooth operations across all academies.
For the Principals, the introduction of canvas applications that could be used offline was a game-changer. These applications allowed Principals to manage attendance, record details of parents and guardians, and capture student milestones even without internet connectivity. This offline capability ensured that accurate records were maintained consistently, enhancing the overall management of the sessions.
Additionally, a comprehensive model-driven application was developed for Principals to manage all necessary information and processes. This application enabled them to handle tasks such as managing academies, waiting lists, sending emails to groups, and ensuring team member compliance and safeguarding. By providing a unified platform for these tasks, the application streamlined the workflow for Principals, making their operations more efficient and effective.
The creation of a parent portal using Azure services and leveraging Microsoft Dataverse as a database was another significant improvement. This portal allowed parents to log in and manage core details for their children, enhancing communication and ensuring that records were always up to date. The ease of access and convenience provided by the portal improved parent engagement and satisfaction.
Enhancing Educational Excellence
The implementation of the new digital system brought substantial benefits to PQA’s operations. The automated processes reduced manual workloads, minimised errors, and improved data accuracy. Principals were better equipped to manage their sessions, and parents had a more convenient way to stay informed and engaged. The overall operational efficiency of PQA was significantly enhanced, allowing the academies to continue providing high-quality performing arts education to thousands of members each week.
Key metrics underscore the success of the transformation within the first 3 months with over 6,000 users registered in the Parent Portal, 1,470 new members enrolled, and 2,467 scheduled absences logged. The system records 31,000 weekly attendance records, supporting over 150 active academies, and the Parent Portal saving 200-300 parent customer support queries per week. Additionally, 270 parent inquiries were processed through the portal to Principals, demonstrating increased engagement and streamlined communication.
The digital transformation programme at PQA, facilitated by CPS, has successfully modernised the PQA’s operations.
By moving away from outdated systems and embracing a digital-first approach, PQA has significantly enhanced its operational efficiency. This transformation ensures that PQA can continue to provide high-quality performing arts education to thousands of members each week, maintaining its reputation as a leading provider in the performing arts sector.
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